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Mesh UV Not Recognized

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:29 pm
by LKosters
Hi all,

I've been modeling something for my portfolio and crossed paths with a rendering problem. After I UV unwrapped my Guitar Neck mesh and made an according texture, Octane render has been throwing it all over the place. Is there any solution to this problem?

Re: Mesh UV Not Recognized

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 11:32 pm
by limeforce
What are the settings on the octaneUVProjection & octaneTransform2D? Are you using UV sets, could Octane be seeing a different UV set than intended? Perhaps you can share the scene for us to look at?

I'd recommend posting these kind of things directly on the Maya plugin subforum and not here in the Bug Reports as it's more likely to get views there and the issue seems like something there is a logical explanation for rather than a bug.