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AOVs Snapshot to MPlay

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:07 am
by EyasArraf
While still there's no Digital Zoom and no Color Sampler in Octane's IPR, one has to snapshot the render output to MPlay for image inspection.
But the problem is that Octane's IPR only snapshots the Beauty Pass to MPLAY no matter what render pass is selected from the menu of render passes.

Suggested Solution:
Making the Snapshot button react to the currently viewed render pass in Octane's IPR can be beneficial.
*even though this can solve the problem of image inspection, I still prefer if it can be done inside of Octane's IPR instead of MPlay.

Re: AOVs Snapshot to MPlay

PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:53 am
by adrianr
+1. Please make sure this extends to the denoise button as well. If that's off I want to be snapping the UN-denoised image to Mplay, not the denoised one.