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Instanced geo on 500K particles - ipr wont load

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2022 3:53 am
by OuterGamut
I'm having some hangups with octane instancing - the ipr basically stalls out when trying to preview the instanced geo.

There is about 540k+ points with orient, pscale and v on them. The geo has about 500 faces. @instancepath is setup to point at a null in the same obj sop.

I have not been able to get an image to load up on a 3090. Any advice or best practices to make this work?

The instance node previews some of the instanced geo then fades into bboxes so the path seems to be working.

Re: Instanced geo on 500K particles - ipr wont load

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2022 5:57 am
by mirocreative
Instead of @instancepath did you try using the s@instance option using a wrangle? Usually works much better for me than anything else.

If you can upload the base scene, I'll check what happens with 2x3090.