MAJOR NEWS: OTOY® Inc. acquires Refractive Software® LTD

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MAJOR NEWS: OTOY® Inc. acquires Refractive Software® LTD

Postby radiance » Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:46 am

radiance Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:46 am
Refractive Software® and OctaneRender® now part of something bigger...

We are very pleased to announce that Refractive Software® had been acquired by OTOY® Inc.

OTOY® has been a strong partner of Refractive Software® since 2010, we finally agreed this progression was the next logical step for us to take.
All of us want to see OctaneRender® get to the next level, from both a business and technology perspective. When we found the right partner to make this happen, the opportunity was clear and the timing was right.
We are now 40 people strong, and that is a big change from the size we were at before. :)

What does this means for Octane Render?

First, there will be more corporate resources, engineers and staff which is currently being hired to work on the product - making OctaneRender® the best possible product it can be. I (Radiance) will become the Chief Graphics Architect at OTOY®, and remain the lead developer and architect of OctaneRender®.

There are some very talented people at OTOY® - including Paul Debevec, the inventor of the HDRI map as we all use today, whose LightStage® technology has been successfully commercialized by OTOY® since 2008. Last year, Autodesk® invested in OTOY's cloud rendering technology.

All that OTOY® is involved with is now potentially part of Octane's roadmap as we move forward as one company.

Jules Urbach, the CEO of OTOY®, started out as an OctaneRender® customer, just like everyone else on the licensed customer forums. His passion for OctaneRender® and his faith in this product is a big part of why this has happened.

Rest assured, the development team is more focused than ever, and OctaneRender® is not being changed or tampered with; we are not dropping plug-in support for any 3rd party products, and we are not altering the price-point of the final 1.0 product (199e), nor changing any promises we have made regarding beta licenses etc...

During the course of the next few months, we plan to focus 100% on getting OctaneRender® out of beta and into final release. This means final release of our major plug-ins for many 3D animation and modeling packages, some have been announced and some not yet, as well as instancing and other core rendering features that go alongside that.
Once this milestone is behind us, we will complete the transition to a brand new website, improved community forums and payment system to a new back-end being worked on at OTOY® LA.

Developing OctaneRender® has been an incredible experience, and we couldn't have made it here with you all of you. With the team backing OctaneRender® today, the future of the product we all care so much about is looking better than ever.

Radiance (aka Terrence Vergauwen), Jules Urbach and the OctaneRender® Team.
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Re: MAJOR NEWS: OTOY® Inc. acquires Refractive Software® LTD

Postby radiance » Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:50 am

radiance Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:50 am
Hi All,

I wanted to give some additional information for customers and non-customers as to what will change and what not, so you don't need to ask too much questions in this thread...

Here are a few very important answers to your questions:

1. Nothing will change for you and your licenses. Prices, free v1.0 final for beta licenses, etc... everything remains the same.
2. v2.0, which is still a long way off, will not become expensive.
3. OTOY Inc. is only 40 people big, so not a big corporation.
4. They develop cloud technology and actor capturing technology so they do not have people right now (at this very day) to start work on Octane, they will be hiring/expanding, so expect things to slowly chang during the next few months, it's a lot of logistics work. I can say that Sam Lapere is joining us in a couple of weeks (a coder with an excellent blog), and much more coders during the next months, development will skyrocket.
5. We will have offices in NZ (development) and LA (development, management), so we can offer faster support in different timezones.
6. Octane standalone and the plugins will remain as they are, and cloud versions will be optional, eg, you will be able to buy Octane v2.0 or whatever in the future to run on your machine.
7. Autodesk HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. OTOY Just develops cloud tech for them that's it. They have no say or any contact at all with the octane team. They cannot interfere with it either as they do not have any control whatsoever. I personally don't even know anyone at Autodesk, it's a cloud thing between the cloud department at OTOY and Autodesk only. The AutoCAD plugin is purely coincidental.
8. Regarding blender, we are still evaluating options for a blender plugin product. It's quite difficult due to the GPL restrictions on linking the octane engine into blender, and we wonder if the demand is big enough, due to 'cycles', which is now integrated into blender. Maybe a poll would be in order here to see what demand there is, as it costs time and money to develop these plugin products.
9. I (eg, Radiance) will stay working in the OTOY New Zealand and LA offices, managing octane development, aswell as all the current staff of Refractive Software LTD, eg nobody is going to go. I will be titled 'Chief Graphics Architect' at OTOY Inc. (sounds pretty spiffy eh ;) I don't care much for titles though, they came up with it ;) )

I understand some of you will reconsider helping new customers with questions on the site due to this announcement, but the truth is that it's going to take us at least 1-2 months to train people to provide support, so I ask everyone considering stopping offering help to reconsider for a short while, until we have the trained manpower we need. Just do it for me, and my gift to you of a 99 Euro GPU engine ;)

I hope this answers most of your questions, and please ask me more, I will respond here...

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Re: MAJOR NEWS: OTOY® Inc. acquires Refractive Software® LTD

Postby MaxPower » Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:24 am

MaxPower Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:24 am
Congratulations! This is awesome news. OCTANE Render is the product that most 3D artists have dreamed of because it enables a level of
3D creativity that has never been available before. The beta stage is frustrating for everybody, but I think the coding troops have finally arrived
to help out with the rough edges....I'm doing a happy dance! The brilliant individuals with the OCTANE development team....I salute you.

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Re: MAJOR NEWS: OTOY® Inc. acquires Refractive Software® LTD

Postby Hawker » Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:28 am

Hawker Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:28 am
At least this is not Autodesk the killer of innovation... (not yet :? )

If this gives you additional opportunities without prejudice to the purpose of the product and customers, even in the long therm, it's good for all of us.

I hope especially this will help Octane to reach a level even more better.

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Re: MAJOR NEWS: OTOY® Inc. acquires Refractive Software® LTD

Postby PeterCGS » Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:00 am

PeterCGS Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:00 am
I think this is great news! Since guys like Paul Debevec is working for Otoy, and they have been interested in Refractive, I can see nothing but amazing development in the future :) Congratulations to the RF team!
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Re: MAJOR NEWS: OTOY® Inc. acquires Refractive Software® LTD

Postby steveps3 » Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:38 am

steveps3 Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:38 am
Well this is one Blender user that would love to stay with Octane. Up until now I have been ignoring cycles because of Octane. With the recent news I was starting to consider changing that decision but, hopefully, that will not be required. As long as Octane is supporting blender then I will be supporting Octane.
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Re: MAJOR NEWS: OTOY® Inc. acquires Refractive Software® LTD

Postby mbetke » Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:25 am

mbetke Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:25 am
If it happens like written then it will be nice. I better take a screenshot to be reminded of those promise. ;)

I think the instances release will now be pushed for a unknown time until the integration onto the new company has been done?
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Re: MAJOR NEWS: OTOY® Inc. acquires Refractive Software® LTD

Postby ribrahomedesign » Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:54 am

ribrahomedesign Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:54 am
hi radiance.
all in all very good news congratulations .
in your report about the plugins you didnt mention c4d at all ,is there a purpose for this ?
i am sure you must know somebody that could do the job ,it looks like the cinema 4d community
cant help them self here ,so help from the professionals would be very welcome .
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Re: MAJOR NEWS: OTOY® Inc. acquires Refractive Software® LTD

Postby cglittenberg » Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:00 am

cglittenberg Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:00 am
If the support from RS for the creation of a C4D plugin is still provided, there is somebody that I know through the MAXON beta site that may be interested and capable of creating a plugin. This would be wonderful!!! Do you want me to facilitate the communication?
Dr. Carl Glittenberg
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Re: MAJOR NEWS: OTOY® Inc. acquires Refractive Software® LTD

Postby GDRS » Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:44 am

GDRS Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:44 am
Congrats my friend to you and all the RS team.

You deserve this, and a lot more.

I know that you are a man that keeps his promises from a first hand and i feel secure with you.

Now a super friendly advise, try and do anything in order to keep the low price, you will remember me at the very end.

Again thank you very very much for your awesome product and anything you have done for us the users.


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