v3 Pricing

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Re: v3 Pricing

Postby onlythumper » Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:44 am

onlythumper Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:44 am
Here's my issue...

So you can download the demo version for Cinema 4D right? And you DON'T need to download the full standalone in order to do so and have it run and function. So my question is:

Why are you forcing people to buy an extra $400 worth of unnecessary software and making it not only more difficult on yourselves as developers and content/software providers, but extremely difficult for entry level users to get in on the ground floor? I don't get it. Why alienate potential customers and users? I will never understand that business model.

In addition, there are software providers now utilizing a rent-to-own model that works amazingly well. You can keep the price point the same, but just let the user make monthly installments up to the given price point. If at any point they want to pay down the full remaining balance, they can. Don't add interest, just let people pay a monthly installment for full usage of the software. Even if it was $50-$75 per month, that would still convert many of your non-customers to customers, and get more entry level users utilizing your product for their various projects.

If you do not want people to obtain your software easily and efficiently, just say so. I'm thinking that's not the case, though.

Just as another though, piracy would become less likely for your software packages as well.

It's win-win; you get more happy customers that want your plugins, and they get full use of the software for minimal upfront cost (and you still get the full profit, just spread over more time).

Just my 2 cents. I would definitely purchase your plugin (and the seemingly unnecessary standalone) today if you offered something like this.
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Re: v3 Pricing

Postby onlythumper » Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:46 am

onlythumper Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:46 am
Oh and I'm not stupid, I know you have a subscription plan coming out soon, but I'm thinking you're taking the Adobe route on that and just letting us dump our money into a black hole?

Yeah, I still won't buy on a subscription because that money doesn't go towards a full unlimited use piece of software.
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Re: v3 Pricing

Postby hellguy » Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:54 am

hellguy Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:54 am

The reason why you require both an OctaneRender Standalone and a Plugin license, is that the Standalone license is for the Octane engine, and the plugin license is for the plugin that integrates into the 3rd-party application. This separation of the Standalone license and the Plugin license is to avoid unfairly penalizing users that require two or more plugins.
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Re: v3 Pricing

Postby Goldorak » Wed Aug 10, 2016 4:27 am

Goldorak Wed Aug 10, 2016 4:27 am
Just posted on this topic in another thread:

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Re: v3 Pricing

Postby onlythumper » Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:27 pm

onlythumper Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:27 pm
@goldorak: Thanks, I'm glad to see they are planning to implement more affordable options (I still think the subscription plan is silly unless you're paying towards owning your license).

@hellguy: Still doesn't make sense to me. You don't need the standalone to run the demo plugin, so why separate them at all for purchase? Just make a standard license that covers whatever plugin you need, so that no matter what plugin you get, it's the same price. It doesn't need to have all the wizbang features of the standalone, just be a sufficient plugin for whatever application you're using. Flat rate plugins. If someone wants the added functionality of the standalone, they should be able to make that choice on their own, not be forced into it. I would gladly pay the $269 for just the Cinema 4D plugin (so long as it was essentially functional) without using the standalone. I've seen the standalone, but have absolutely no use for it. I just want a faster workflow in C4D and better handling of GI. I feel $269 if fair. Maybe offer subscription on top of that as incentive to get community materials/content, and have full support, etc.

I know this is still a fledgling concept (the subscription/rent-to-own models) but I feel it could be implemented more effectively. If you have a marketing team, have them listen to the users/potential users to determine best course of action to bring on new customers and keep them happy.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just really wanting to support and use Octane, but haven't been able to get past the unnecessary cost or forceful inclusion of something that (to me) is not useful.
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Re: v3 Pricing

Postby bepeg4d » Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:38 am

bepeg4d Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:38 am
Hi onlythumper,
Otoy develops OctaneRender Standalone and SDK.
Some selected external programmers are developing the majority of external plugins. The plugin is a bridge between the host app and the current SDK. The plugin without the SDK is useless, but adding an external GPU renderer to a 3d app that is not design to work in real time on GPUs is not trivial. So, at the end, everyone should be payed for his effort, Otoy for developing the hart of OctaneRender and the external developers for the refined integration inside host apps.
Last but not least, don't underestimate the power of Standalone. It need far fewer resources compared with any host app with plugin. With v3, all plugins are able to export the entire scene in ocs or orbx format to Standalone. If your host app cannot have a specific Octane feature for whatever reason, you can export to standalone and have access to it. It's also possible to collect assets from different artists created with different host apps. And finally, working on the scene structure with nodes is super cool :)
ciao beppe
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Re: v3 Pricing

Postby Dottedline » Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:48 am

Dottedline Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:48 am

I'm new to this forum so sorry if this has been answered. I'm after the Price in Euro / UK pounds. I'm looking at Standalone / Rhino plugin bundle. Are all licenses purchased through the shop here or do i go to any other authorized re-sellers?


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Re: v3 Pricing

Postby win » Mon Aug 29, 2016 2:26 am

win Mon Aug 29, 2016 2:26 am
Hi Will
I'm new to this forum so sorry if this has been answered. I'm after the Price in Euro / UK pounds. I'm looking at Standalone / Rhino plugin bundle. Are all licenses purchased through the shop here or do i go to any other authorized re-sellers?

All prices are shown on the website Shop page here. Prices are in US$.
You would need to purchase OctaneRender™ for Rhino® + Standalone Combo License ($589), which is shown in the Full Integrated Plugins > Rhinoceros section.
Octane licenses are sold only through the Shop page.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards, Win
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Re: v3 Pricing

Postby mitviz » Mon Sep 19, 2016 12:23 am

mitviz Mon Sep 19, 2016 12:23 am
when i contacted you guys by email you said there would be plans for small studios to buy octane on a per month bases was it
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Re: v3 Pricing

Postby bepeg4d » Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:32 am

bepeg4d Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:32 am
Hi mitviz,
sorry, I don't have an exact ETA, but the new subscription option should be very close... stay in touch ;)
ciao beppe
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