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Re: NEW : OctaneRender™ for LightWave™ v1.10 released

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:11 pm
by juanjgon
Direwolf wrote:I'm running on 1 GPU at the moment, and it's making LW really sluggish. Adjusting settings/materials become really hard with a sluggish machine. And for the first setup phase I really don't need more then 20-50 samples.

I understand ... I will see if it is possible add this feature to the next release, but anyway meanwhile I think that if you set your kernel samples to a low value and work with F9 you are going to have something similar.


Re: NEW : OctaneRender™ for LightWave™ v1.10 released

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:20 pm
by juanjgon
Direwolf wrote:I'm running on 1 GPU at the moment, and it's making LW really sluggish. Adjusting settings/materials become really hard with a sluggish machine. And for the first setup phase I really don't need more then 20-50 samples.

BTW, you can also map the "Octane_IPR_Pause" command to a hot key to pause/unpause without the need of go to the IPR window with your mouse.


Re: NEW : OctaneRender™ for LightWave™ v1.10 released

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:44 pm
by gristle
juanjgon wrote:
gristle wrote:I cannot get Octane to render within LW. The standalone version works on this machine.

- Operating System XP 64
- 12GB Ram
- 8800 GT (display) GTX 275 render
- Nvidia driver version - 306.94
- Lightwave version - 11.5

The render prepares geometry, then does nothing. RENDERING Samples/Total 0/0.
I can cancel out, LW does not crash.

Same with IPR. Does preprocessing, then shows "Updating scene in GPUs" and nothing else. No image.


I am testing the plugin with an old GTX 285 GPU that I have in my studio and I can confirm that this release doesn't work with with this GPU. But good news are that the new SDK available for the developers works fine here with it.

Next public beta release is going to support this GPUs, but if you want to use the plugin with your system now, please write to me at [email protected] and I will try to send to you a pre-release of the next beta with the libs that work for you ASAP.


Thanks Juanjo,

I was a bit confused as why it would work in the standalone but not LW. I know it is an old GPU and has some limitations, but nowhere does it say it cannot work - even old 8800 works in standalone!

I'll drop you an email.


Re: NEW : OctaneRender™ for LightWave™ v1.10 released

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:53 pm
by juanjgon
gristle wrote:Thanks Juanjo,

I was a bit confused as why it would work in the standalone but not LW. I know it is an old GPU and has some limitations, but nowhere does it say it cannot work - even old 8800 works in standalone!

I'll drop you an email.


Some weeks ago there was a Octane version that didn't support this old GPUs. The current plugin libs comes from this version. Current Octane standalone and the new SDK I am using for the next plugin release have support again for this GPUs.


Re: NEW : OctaneRender™ for LightWave™ v1.10 released

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:57 pm
by PeterN
Hi Folks,

I installed the plugin as per the read me file, and when I ran Lightwave (after installing the menu panel and the plugin) it yet on loading the dragon scene I received a message something like "You need to license the Octane plugin"

It refers to using the documentation to work out how to do that (in lightwave? not in lightwave?) but I could see no further dopcumentation.. I was very very tired but excited about the plugin but wondered if someone can point me to the documentation that shows how to register the plugin, or let me know the process if easy :)

I looked in the zip file and also on the downloads / my account page with no luck.

I am new to lightwave 11.5 and octane so apologies if this stuff is nube time!


Re: NEW : OctaneRender™ for LightWave™ v1.10 released

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:09 pm
by juanjgon
PeterN wrote:Hi Folks,

I installed the plugin as per the read me file, and when I ran Lightwave (after installing the menu panel and the plugin) it yet on loading the dragon scene I received a message something like "You need to license the Octane plugin"

It refers to using the documentation to work out how to do that (in lightwave? not in lightwave?) but I could see no further dopcumentation.. I was very very tired but excited about the plugin but wondered if someone can point me to the documentation that shows how to register the plugin, or let me know the process if easy :)

I looked in the zip file and also on the downloads / my account page with no luck.

I am new to lightwave 11.5 and octane so apologies if this stuff is nube time!


To activate Lightwave plugin you must set your plugin OctaneLive userID and password in the plugin options panel. This information is in your account. You also need to activate the Octane license with the userID and password of the Octane Standalone.


Re: NEW : OctaneRender™ for LightWave™ v1.10 released

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:38 pm
by Bitboy
Is it just me or is the link to the online manual not working?

Re: NEW : OctaneRender™ for LightWave™ v1.10 released

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:43 pm
by Esper8
The link to the manual isn't working for me either

Re: NEW : OctaneRender™ for LightWave™ v1.10 released

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:00 am
by juanjgon
Sorry, I think that there is a problem with my server, perhaps a lot of traffic (I am not sure now about my domain limits)

I will try to fix it ASAP.


Re: NEW : OctaneRender™ for LightWave™ v1.10 released

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:14 am
by Bitboy
Thanks Juan. Not that we haven't got plenty good stuff to work with - I just had a few things I wanted to read more about :-) All in good time...