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OctaneRender for Inventor Beta 1.32 [OBSOLETE]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:54 am
by face_off
This is the recommended thread for downloading, and posting any questions, suggestions or support queries for OctaneRender for Inventor, build 1.32 (TEST RELEASE) onwards. This version is compiled against Octane 1.32, so see the requirements for that build regarding compatibility with your video card.

The plugin requires Inventor 2013 or 2014, Windows 64bit.

If you have a support issue, pls provide the following information:
- Operating System (ie. Win XP, Vista, 7, 8)
- 32 or 64 bit
- Amount of RAM
- Graphics Card(s) - model (ie. GTX 580, 3GB)
- Nvidia driver version
- Inventor version and build number
- OctaneRender for Inventor version (ie.

Change Log from release 1.20
- Compiled against Octane 1.32
- Added "LiveDb Texturemap Folder" to the configuration options
- Pin names/node names changed to be more user friendly
- Save to OCS and ORBX (Octane Standalone) options added to the rightclick menu of the Settings tab
- All "scale" pins have been replaced with transform nodes. So you can apply different projections to texturemaps and procedural textures. Old scales from your saved scenes are not retained.
- Improved logging. Open the Octane Log (devices tab) to see any general Octane errors and/or logging.
- If you want to rotate an IBL, set the projection the Spherical and move the rotatation sliders.
- If a Octane referenced texturemap is not found when loading a scene, the plugin allows the searching for the file. If you abort from the search dialog, all further searching for texturemaps is disabled until a new scene is loaded. Missing texturemaps will be reported as an Octane/Cuda error too.
- IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended that you delete your default rendertarget settings (delete C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\OctaneRender for Inventor\Defaults\Rendertarget.xml) and recreate them again in the plugin. This will ensure the new daylight structure is saved in your default rendertarget.
- It the plugin requests reactivation, you may need to de-activate from the Otoy website and re-activate the plugin
- Added white balance picking, and separate cursors for each pick mode
- Stopped the viewport being able to be opened when the plugin has not be activated
- IMPORTANT: If you are rendering with "Environment Texture", make sure Inventor is in Perspective (not Orthographic) mode
- Added Viewport Zoom combobox to the Viewport window

For more information...
- Read the on-line manual
- Read the FAQ
- Post your question on this forum thread

Refer to the on-line manual

Download Links
Download the plugin from the following links:
- OctaneRender for Inventor 2013/14 beta (64 bit)
- msg me if you need a 32bit build.


Re: OctaneRender for Inventor Beta 1.32 [TEST]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:45 pm
by Talleman
Thanks Paul, I'll have to give this a go!

Re: OctaneRender for Inventor Beta 1.32 [TEST]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:43 pm
by scottmoyse
Cheers Paul. I intend on reviewing this plugin sometime in the next month or so on Would you be interested in answering a few questions for the article when I do?

Re: OctaneRender for Inventor Beta 1.32 [TEST]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:55 pm
by face_off
I intend on reviewing this plugin sometime in the next month or so on Would you be interested in answering a few questions for the article when I do?

Help to answer any questions you have Scott.
