OctaneRender 3 for ArchiCAD [OBSOLETE]

Forums: OctaneRender 3 for ArchiCAD [OBSOLETE]
Graphisoft ArchiCAD (Integrated Plugin developed by Paul Kinnane)

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OctaneRender 3 for ArchiCAD [OBSOLETE]

Postby face_off » Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:05 am

face_off Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:05 am
This is the recommended thread for downloading, and posting any questions, suggestions or support queries for OctaneRender for ArchiCAD TEST and STABLE releases.

ArchiCAD Version
This version of the plugin runs on ArchiCAD 20, 21 and 22 - 64 bit Windows (Vista, 7, 8 and 10).

Nvidia Driver Version
This release requires Nvidia drivers 390.x or later.

Network Rendering
For Network Rendering, you must use the Octane slave release from the Octane Standalone installer which matches the exact Octane version of the plugin you are using.

If you have a support issue, pls provide the following information:
- Operating System (ie. Win XP, Vista, 7, 8)
- 32 or 64 bit
- Amount of RAM
- Graphics Card(s) - model (ie. GTX 580, 3GB)
- Nvidia driver version
- ArchiCAD version (ArchiCAD -> Help -> License Information -> Version and Build Number
- OctaneRender for ArchiCAD version (ie. 1.02a)
- In the unlikely event of a crash, pls provide the dump report from the C:\Users\[username]\Graphisoft\BugReporting-[version] folder (on Win 7). Either post or email (to "paul at physicalc-software.com") the "ArchiCAD-XXXXXX-FATAL.RPT" file from this folder.

For more information...
- Read the on-line manual
- Read the FAQ
- Watch Tapperworks Showcase Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
- Watch Tapperworks Render Passes video http://youtu.be/sXnLcWEbbmY
- Watch the Grass Generation video http://vimeo.com/113454418
- Post your question on this forum thread

Refer to the on-line manual

Download Links

Latest TEST build (Octane 4.00 RC6) - EXPERIMENTAL - Do not use in production

- Regular - OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 22 (64 bit)

Latest STABLE build (Octane 3.08.3)

- Regular - OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 22 (64 bit)
- Regular - OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 21 (64 bit)
- Regular - OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 20 (64 bit)

- Subscription - OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 22 (64 bit)
- Subscription - OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 21 (64 bit)
- Subscription - OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 20 (64 bit)

- Demo - OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 22 (64 bit)
- Demo - OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 21 (64 bit)
- Demo - OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 20 (64 bit)

Previous STABLE build (Octane 3.08)

- OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 21 (64 bit)
- OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 20 (64 bit)
- OctaneRender for ArchiCAD 19 (64 bit)

Release Notes (26-Oct-2018)
- Compiled with Octane 4.00 RC7 (17-Oct-2018)
- Fixed a bug introduced in release where Imager settings were not being saved (13-Oct-2018)
- Compiled with Octane 4.00 RC6
- Changed Devices tab to use the Octane API panel
- Added Denoiser options in the Imager settings
- Added Denoised Beauty pass to the Select Render Pass combobox on the Viewport toolbar
- Added Kernel AI Light options
- Added RenderPasses Denoiser passes
- Kernel->Light ID's (and the associated Action) is not implemented (22-Aug-2018)
- Compiled with Octane 3.08.3
- Compiled with Octane 3.08.2. See viewtopic.php?f=24&t=67352 for details
- Removed the Cuda Devices list, and replaced with the Octane Standalone Devices panel
- Added support for ArchiCAD22 and removed support for ArchiCAD19 (30-Apr-2018)
- Compiled with Octane 3.08
- Fixed issue where the render would not start if a View had been selected with a saved rendertarget (13-Apr-2018)
- Compiled with Octane 3.08 RC4 (20-Mar-2018)
- Compiled with Octane 3.08 RC2 (10-Mar-2018)
- Compiled with Octane 3.08 RC1 (see viewtopic.php?f=33&t=63219 for details)
- Toon shading only works in Camera Light toon lighting mode.
- All Image, Alpha Image and Float Image files are now loaded with HDR Texture Bit Depth set to Automatic
* Material picking from a scaled Viewport issue has not yet been fixed
* "Import from LiveDb/LocalDB - EXPERIMENTAL" is still disabled (12-Oct-2017)
- Compiled with Octane 3.08 TEST 5
- Added Custom LUT and Order pins to the Imager node and added additional Response Curve options, all as per Octane Standalone 3.08 TEST 5
- Added Metallic and Toon materials as per Octane Standalone 3.08.
- Fixed issue where LiveDb material previews were mis-colored (12-Oct-2017)
- Compiled with Octane 3.07
- Fixed issue where the Octane icon was not showing in the ArchiCAD menu
- Removed the "Import from LiveDb/LocalDB - EXPERIMENTAL", since it was crashing in some situations (12-Oct-2017)
- Fixed issue where the plugin was not starting in ArchiCAD21 for scenes with special characters in Material names
- Added a material tab menu option "Import from LiveDb/LocalDB - EXPERIMENTAL", which uses the Octane API LiveDb/LocalDb library window (1-Oct-2017)
- Compiled with Octane 3.07 TEST 6
- Fixed issue where Specular materials could not be imported from the LocalDb
- Compiled with Octane 3.07 TEST 3. See viewtopic.php?f=33&t=62636 for details.
- Reworked the Proxy->OCS/ORBX->Edit button functionality to use the new Octane NodeGraph editor. This is WIP, but allows you to use a gizmo to move elements inside the proxy. Whilst the NodeGraph edit window is open, the render output is displayed in the NodeGraph window, but the Octane Viewport in ArchiCAD is not updated until the NodeGraph window is closed.
- Changed "Linear" projection to "XYZ to UVW" to match Octane Standalone (21-Jun-2017)
- Compile with Octane 3.06.4
- Added support for ArchiCAD 21. ArchiCAD 18 support to be removed in the near future
- The Field of View pin can now be manually set if Orthographic is enabled on the Octane Camera (23-May-2017)
- Fixed bug with the proxy Reload button introduced in (21-May-2017)
- Compiled with Octane 3.06.1
- The Reload proxy button now applies any "Face Camera" calculations
- The Reload proxy button now also works for OBJ proxies, so can be used to re-position a proxy after moving the proxy host
- Fixed issue where re-linking a missing proxy source file was not saving the new file name/folder back to the ArchiCAD scene
- Clicking the Reload button to reload a proxy now also reload the SCV scatter file (22-Apr-2017)
- Compiled with Octane 3.06 - see https://render.otoy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=60014 for details
- Fixed rounding error where RGB Color nodes were displaying the incorrect XXX/XXX/XXX values in the node tree in certain situtations
- Added Reload button to reload a proxy (useful if you have edited the proxy OCS/ORBX in Octane Standalone)
- Clicking Reload to reload an ORBX or OCS proxy also repositions the proxy if the proxy host has moved
- Fixed bug where if there was an ABC node in a proxy ORBX/OCS, an Octane error would occur (4-Feb-2017)
- Compiled with Octane 3.05.3
- The LiveDb window behavior has changed, and it now stays open after you select a material to load, so you can load multiple LiveDb materials and see each rendering in the Viewport.
- Fixed bug where saving to the LocalDb was not naming the saved file correctly
- The "Report on all Materials" now also lists the image files used in the pla/pln. (30-Dec-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.05.2
- Added Weld Vertices option to the Configuration. Tick this checkbox if you are using Round Edges in your materials. There appears to be a 10-20 performance hit when loading the scene (not rendering) with this option ON. (28-Nov-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.04.5 (16-Nov-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.04.4 (3-Nov-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.04.3
- Resolved issue where loading OCS/ORBX proxies was not working unless there was a Geometry Out node in the proxy being loaded. (23-Oct-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.04.1
- Fixed issue where the AO Texture could not be disconnected (19-Oct-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.04 (5-Sep-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.4
- Added the ArchiCAD 20 installer, and removed the ArchiCAD 17 installer (19-Aug-2016)
- Resolved issue related to reading Scatter info from .pla files saved with the version of the plugin or earlier (15-Aug-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.3
- Added the Translate Scatter checkbox to the Proxy dialog, which when ticked means the Scatter array will be transformed by the proxy host position/location/scale. The OctaneProxy_TransformScatter GDL parameter can be used to set this checkbox too. (16-Jul-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.2 (13-Jul-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.1
- Fixed issue where the Displacement Mid Level slider was not working correctly (17-Jun-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.02 (13-Jun-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.01.1
- Added new authentication settings window which can be used to activate, and de-activate the plugin
- You can now disconnect the Medium from the Environment Medium pin (25-May-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.00 (3.0.20)
- Fixed issue where loading a pla/pln with corrupted Octane data would cause ArchiCAD to crash
- If you have ticked "Use offline licensing on this computer" when authenticating the plugin, you can now click the Deactive button on the OctaneLive tab to de-activate the plugin license (21-May-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3 beta 4 (3.0.15) (9-May-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3 beta 1 (3.0.12)
- Fixed issue where render statistics were not being displayed when render region was enabled (29-Apr-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3 alpha 10 (3.0.10). This means that Render Region is working again.
- Username and password is now not entered or stored in the authentication panel.
- The new Animation settings in the Settings tab are not used by the plugin.
- Visible Environment pin added to the Rendertarget
- Compiled with Octane 3.0 alpha 6 (3.0.6)
- Compiled with Octane 3.0 alpha 5 (3.0.5)
- Compiled with Octane 3.0 alpha 4 (3.0.4)
- Compiled with Octane 3.0 alpha 3 (3.0.3)
- Compiled with Octane 3.0 alpha 2 (3.0.1)
- Added new Octane 3 Infochannel Types
- Added Baking Camera. This does not appear to be working - and I suspect this is due to the UV coordinates that ArchiCAD supplies being absolute, and not rpeating in a 0-1 range.
- Manual updated with Octane 3 features. Pls see https://docs.otoy.com/ArchiCAD/?page_id=443 for details.
- Compiled with Octane 3.0.0
- Added Medium and Medium Radius to the Daylight and Texture Environment settings
- Added new Render Passes
- Removed "Ambient" and "Sample Environment" GI Modes from the Direct Light kernel
- Added Deep Image settings to the kernel settings
- Added support for VDB files (add them in proxy ORBX files)

* If your default rendertarget has Render Passes->Info After Beauty ticked, I suggest unticking it and re-saving your default rendertarget
- Fixed issue where the LiveDb was not available after loading large ArchiCAD scenes
- Change to allow reading of Surface name from ArchiCAD with more than 31 characters. Only works with AC19.
- Fixed issue where plugin would not load, reporting "plugin out of date"
- Fixed crash when generating a grass ABC file for an object which was not previously a proxy
* NOTE: In AC19, when generating grass, the Mesh object that the grass will be placed on will be listed in the Mesh combobox by it's ID - which by default is blank. So enter a Mesh ID to name each Mesh, so that you can select the appropriate mesh to plae the grass on.
- Compiled with Octane 2.24.2
- For OCS/ORBX proxies source files, if a single mesh node cannot be found, the first "Geometry out" node will be used, and if that is not found whatever is plugged into the first rendertarget "mesh" pin will be used as proxy
- You can now edit the nodes and materials from OCS/ORBX proxies via the Edit button. This can only be done whilst the Viewport is open
- Importing rendertargets and setting the rendertarget to default now correctly re-populates the Render Pass combo box
- Fixed issue where in some situations searching for missing texturemaps was not working correctly
- Added 'Help' button on the Rendering tab, which opens the manual
- Missing testuremaps from GDL materials are no longer reported
- Added the Object Tag (GUID) to the Proxy Report for easier searching
- Fixed crash resulting from activating an already activated plugin
- The "Export All Assets" function now displays the warning at the start of the process rather than the end, and gives the user the option to exit
- Missing Texturemaps are now automatically linked to the previous search path if they are present in that path
- Fixed issue where the plugin would re-cache materials when an ArchiCAD element was selected with no materials
- Added ArchiCAD 19 support, and removed support for ArchiCAD 16
- Fixed issue where saving all Proxy materials to defaults was not working
- Added "Run All GDL Scripts" to the Setting tab. This allows any GDL scripts which derive their values from parameter to be recalculated. You must be in a 2d view to run this command, and the Viewport will ned to be refresh after in order for any proxies with OctaneProxy_AlwaysUseParameters set to recreate all the proxies from parameters. This functionality is experimental at this stage, so may not be 100% functional.
- Various changes to the "Missing File" search dialog. The title of the Folder Selection dialog displays the missing filename
- Proxy host Objects with "Mirror Library Part" ticked will now be flipped in the X axis (ie. the X Scale will be multipled by -1)
- Compiled with Octane 2.23.2
- The plugin now searches Orbx/ocs proxies for a Geometry Out node prior to searching for a Mesh node. If a Geometry Out node is found, it will be used to connect the proxy to the Octane scene. The Geometry Out node allows you to transform the Mesh node in the Orbx/Ocs file (with a Placement node)
- Added Scale Textures button for Material nodes to scale all the textures in the material at once
- Fixed crash when selecting a Fill with the plugin Setup window open
- Fixed issue where loading scenes saved with plugin versions prior to with proxies would sometimes report those proxies as having the OctaneProxy_AlwaysUseParameters GDL parameter set
- Compiled with Octane 2.23.1 - so Kernel->Keep Environment is back
- Fixed Octane errors when loading GDL defined proxies
- Reduced the Minimum Proxy Scale from 0.001 to 0.00001
- Reduced the Minimum Proxy Scale from 0.01 to 0.001
- Fixed crash when rendering ArchiCAD Object elements
- Add GDL parameter OctaneProxy_AlwaysUseParameters (Boolean), which when ON means that the GDL parameters will always be used for scaling/rotating the proxy, and the Proxy window can not be accessed. NOTE: This feature has not been tested yet!
- The proxy Face Camera setting is now ignored if a scatter file has been specified
- Added text to the Photorendering Settings indicating the plugin needs to have been opened in order for the View Rendertarget combobox to be populated.
- Substantially changed how missing files are handled. If it is detected that a file is missing, you will get the "Missing File" dialog, and there is now an extra option to "Search". If you search, the directory that the file is found in is "remembered", so the plugin will attempt to load the next missing file from that directory. If not found, you can ignore all further errors (and in this case, any missing files will still try to be located in the last search folder). The LiveDb folder is not longer searched when missing files are detected.
- Fixed issue where loading scenes saved with plugin versions prior to with proxies would sometimes report those proxies as having the OctaneProxy_AlwaysUseParameters GDL parameter set
- Fixed issue where saving a render to a folder with special characters in it would not be remembered the next time the Save File dialog was opened
- Fixed issue where the render would not save to a folder with special characters in it
- Fixed issue where the Max Samples slider would not go higher than 8000
- Compiled with Octane 2.22.2. Refer to Octane 2.22.2 Standalone release notes for details.
- Pin changes to the Thin Lens and Panoramic camera stereo settings
- Fixed issue where proxy material names has not been extended to 100 characters
- Limited the maximum render resolution to 8000x8000. Resolutions above this crash the ArchiCAD widget used to display the Viewport
* Due to the above issue, I have not been able to implement Viewport Zooming, since the ArchiCAD Viewport widget would run out of memeory once you rendered > 2000 x 2000 pixels
* Looked at implementing a Loading Scene dialog with a Cancel button, however the ArchiCAD Photorenderer already has a progress, and ArchiCAD does not support having more than one progress dialog window on the window at once, so this cannot be done.

Last edited by face_off on Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:19 am, edited 6 times in total.
Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M
Octane Plugin Support : Poser, ArchiCAD, Revit, Inventor, AutoCAD, Rhino, Modo, Nuke
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Re: OctaneRender® for ArchiCAD 3.03.1 [TEST]

Postby face_off » Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:32 am

face_off Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:32 am
I have updated the links at the top of this thread with:
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.1
- Fixed issue where the Displacement Mid Level slider was not working correctly

I am also working on an AC20 version of the plugin - which should be ready in the next 2 weeks.

Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M
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Re: OctaneRender® for ArchiCAD 3.03.1 [TEST]

Postby Daniel_Ward » Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:04 am

Daniel_Ward Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:04 am
Hi Paul,

thanks for that.

AC20 not due for release in NZ until around 4th August, so having the AC20 plug in ready in the next couple of weeks should be pretty much perfect timing.

I could possibly talk to GSNZ about getting my licence upgraded earlier if you want the AC20 Octane plugin tested before release.

EDIT - I've just upgraded my AC Licence to AC20, so I can give the plugin a trial run anytime. :)

Cheers, Dan.
+MAP Architects, Christchurch - New Zealand
ArchiCAD 4.12 - ArchiCAD 24 || Octane for ArchiCAD
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Re: OctaneRender® for ArchiCAD 3.03.1 [TEST]

Postby Daniel_Ward » Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:36 am

Daniel_Ward Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:36 am
Hi Paul,

I've got a couple of GTX1070's here in the office, so I'd be really keen to try out the 3.03.2 build if you get a chance to recompile the AC Plug in?

Cheers, Dan.
+MAP Architects, Christchurch - New Zealand
ArchiCAD 4.12 - ArchiCAD 24 || Octane for ArchiCAD
i7-7700K - Gigabyte Aorus Z270X Gaming 9 - 32Gb RAM - 3x Gigibyte GTX1070 G1 Gaming - Window 10 64Bit
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Re: OctaneRender® for ArchiCAD 3.03.2 [TEST]

Postby face_off » Sat Jul 16, 2016 9:06 am

face_off Sat Jul 16, 2016 9:06 am
I have updated the installers at the top of this thread with:
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.2

Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M
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Re: OctaneRender® for ArchiCAD 3.03.2 [TEST]

Postby Daniel_Ward » Mon Jul 18, 2016 2:35 am

Daniel_Ward Mon Jul 18, 2016 2:35 am
Hi Paul,

running the 3.03.2 build with 2x 1070's and a 970 now, no problems so far. :)

I might have to disable the 970 for some of my more complex projects, but even having the 1070 as the primary display adaptor has given me another Gb of head room even with the 970 in use. I'll probably get another 1070 next month a kiss my Octane VRAM issues good bye!

Cheers, Dan.
+MAP Architects, Christchurch - New Zealand
ArchiCAD 4.12 - ArchiCAD 24 || Octane for ArchiCAD
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Re: OctaneRender® for ArchiCAD 3.03.2 [TEST]

Postby ArchPrime » Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:51 pm

ArchPrime Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:51 pm
Daniel_Ward wrote:Hi Paul,

running the 3.03.2 build with 2x 1070's and a 970 now, no problems so far. :)

I might have to disable the 970 for some of my more complex projects, but even having the 1070 as the primary display adaptor has given me another Gb of head room even with the 970 in use. I'll probably get another 1070 next month a kiss my Octane VRAM issues good bye!

Cheers, Dan.

Still running the 2.24 build on my meagre 2x980Ti's +2x780Ti's under AC19 , and can say that it knocks the new AC20 CineRender engine for a six on quality and speed, right out of the box.
Octane Render for ArchiCAD 22 plugin v4.x | Octane Standalone 4.x
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Re: OctaneRender® for ArchiCAD 3.03.2 [TEST]

Postby s3d-weyrauch » Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:37 am

s3d-weyrauch Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:37 am
Hi Paul,
I don´t want to urge you, I need only to know, when you could be done with the first release of the Plugin for ArchiCAD 20. I have to organise my tasks to upgrade our template, and Octane takes a big part of that.
Thanks a lot
BIM team leader

Win 10 | ArchiCAD GER 23-24 | Octane Plugin for ArchiCAD
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Re: OctaneRender® for ArchiCAD 3.03.2 [TEST]

Postby face_off » Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:51 am

face_off Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:51 am
I don´t want to urge you, I need only to know, when you could be done with the first release of the Plugin for ArchiCAD 20.
I have been working on the the conversion to AC20, but it has proven to be quite difficult. I am working with Graphisoft, so hope to have something working soon.

Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M
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Re: OctaneRender® for ArchiCAD 3.03.3 [TEST]

Postby face_off » Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:49 pm

face_off Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:49 pm
I have updated the installers at the top of this thread with:
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.3
- Added the Translate Scatter checkbox to the Proxy dialog, which when ticked means the Scatter array will be transformed by the proxy host position/location/scale. The OctaneProxy_TransformScatter GDL parameter can be used to set this checkbox too.

Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M
Octane Plugin Support : Poser, ArchiCAD, Revit, Inventor, AutoCAD, Rhino, Modo, Nuke
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