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Maxon Cinema 4D (Export script developed by abstrax, Integrated Plugin developed by aoktar)

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------ Frequently Asked Questions ------

Postby aoktar » Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:12 pm

aoktar Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:12 pm
Hi folks,
I have to start this thread for multiple times asked questions. All content will be edited by me.

Ahmet Oktar
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Re: ------ Frequently Asked Questions ------

Postby aoktar » Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:19 pm

aoktar Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:19 pm
Q1: I have installed a new version but still i'm seeing old version numbers on Live Viewer And Octane Dialog.
A: Please close/open Octane windows and resave your layouts. Saved layouts stores old window titles.

Q2: I'm new user. I have installed last version, but only output is black on Live Viewer. Why do you sell this crap software? ;)
A: Please read install notes before or later. Last versions require latest NVIDIA drivers and clean installs.

Q3: I have bought and installed the plugin. I couldn't found any Octane related stuff in Cinema 4d menus. What can be wrong here?
A: Please install matching version of Octane Standalone software and try to run it. If you get some crashes on startup, please check your installed Nvidia drivers are matching requirements. Best is to install one of last versions. Everything should be ok, if you could run and get some renders in Standalone. So check your plugin installation, be sure deleted old files before copying new files.

Q4: I'm getting grey output on very simple scene but it renders correct on Live Viewer. Scene has only a sphere and some lights.
A: Please check off "Render Perfect" option spheres. This causes zero polygon output and Octane needs some triangles to render.
But why LV can show it?
LV is working with object caches and it's produced for opengl viewport.

Q5: I'm getting some Render Failure warnings and render is breaked on Picture Viewer. But this scene works on Live Viewer.
A: Please check your objects. Some objects as Hypernurbs which can produce different amount faces on Picture Viewer rendering.

Q6: I'm getting some Render Failure warnings and render is breaked on Picture Viewer and Live Viewer.
A: Please check your total polygon amount and texture memory usages. 2.0 has about 20 millions polygons limit. Also big textures will consume much vram. Try some without textures or polygons to detect what exceeds the limits. Also keep your eyes open for on-screen info for free vram amount in Live Viewer.
Also be aware of that you will be have vram as lower graphic card's memory. Additionally, vram of system gpu will be shared with OS's resources. Check free vram for each single gpu by disabling in GPU settings section.
Also try to use "render instances" as much as possible to decrease polygon counts.

Info about network rendering setup for Macos

Q7: i'm getting different results in Picture Viewer. It's differing from Live Viewer.
A: If you have arealights or object emissions please set your render settings as matching the Live Viewer system.



change method: Resend only updated objects and Update method: faster updates
Also put a objecttag to emissive geometries. These meshes will be exported as indivual meshes.
This combination is exactly like as Live Viewer(interactive mode)

if you leave the "update method" as faster rendering, all objects in a same object no. They are collected to a single mesh in rendering. This causes different results.

Q8: How can we see missing/used octane imagetextures in Texture manager?
A: Texture manager is not supporting custom image types. But you can use "Project Info->Textures" section. It has similar functionality to display and replace imagetexture's file names.

Q9: I can't see spheres in picture viewer but visible in Live Viewer. Also i can't see the floor objects in render. What's going here?
A: Both are procedural objects. Spheres does not produce any polygons with "render perfect" option. Please check off. Also floor has not any polygons. Octane requires polygonal objects to render them.

Q10: Livedb editor has not any materials but i have a internet connection. What's the problem.
A: Be sure that you are using latest stabile version. Also check your firewall connection. It requires a unblocked connection to internet.

Q11: texture manager doesn't work with octane imagetexture. how can I see/replace missing textures?
A: You can use "project info->textures" or
B: Alternatively you can use new Octane Texture Manager. It supports image texture, Octane environment, displacement maps and render to shaders.

Q12: I have black outputs or render failures on Picture Viewer(Final) rendering but works fine on Live Viewer
A: First check your free VRAM and triangle counts on Live Viewer. Also locate Script->Console window and check fur CUDA errors.
Additionally be aware of that some objects can have triangle counts on Picture Viewer higher than Live Viewer. Because LV uses Editor settings for geometries, but PV will be with Renderer settings. For example, check subdivisions of your objects for Renderer mode vs. Editor mode. Also be aware that bigger resolutions and extra render passes can consume more VRAM vs. LV rendering.

Q13: Warning about scaling performances
Please never use scaling of geometries as ZERO. This may causes to runtime renderer errors. Use very small values for scale as 0.0001 rather than ZERO. If you need to hide your objects use "Visible on renderer" or disable by a display tag, not scale down to ZERO.
Ex. Scale=(1, 0, 1) or Scale=(0, 0, 0) or Scale=(0, 1, 1) may generate errors and gives "Singular Matrix" warnings.

Q14: Generating debug log information
Activate debug output by putting this "octane_log_flags.txt" to location of "Cinema 4D.exe" and run it. Then activate additional log output from settings->others->Log_output. Show a screen like as i attached with informations and plus "octane_log.txt" from Cinema4D folder. Which has log outputs.
To activate log output. Don't forget remove after task completed.
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Re: ------ Frequently Asked Questions ------

Postby aoktar » Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:08 pm

aoktar Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:08 pm
Displacement results are different in Picture Viewer against Live Viewer.
Note that you'll need to use latest updates of plugin and "Auto detect" or "All movable" options. Because Live Viewer is defaultly working with "All movable" option. These are generating indivual meshes with transform nodes. Displacement amount result will be multiplied by scale factor of objects when you use this modes. And this is expected behaviour. Don't try to use "Send all data". It will be deprecated soon.

See picture for comparisons

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